Palm Sugar

Palm sugar was originally made from the sugary sap of the Palmyra palm , the date palm or sugar date palm (Phoenix sylvestris). Now it is also made from the sap of the sago, arenga pinnata and coconut palms, and may be sold as "arenga sugar" or "coconut sugar"

Palm sugar is still used especially as a seasoning for Indonesia community because it has a distinctive aroma and flavor of caramel palm. In addition, palm sugar is also used for sweetening beverages, making soy sauce  materials, making dodol materials, cake and the ingredients taste enhancer in foods.

How to make Palm Sugar.
It start from the liquid taken from the midrib  that has been sliced of Nira trees / Palm trees. The liquid is then heated with fire until thick. After realy thick, then poured into the bowls was made from coconut shell or palm leaves.