Ground Pepper

Ground pepper is made by crushing whole peppercorns, the dried berries of the plant Piper Nigrum. As the world's most popular spice, pepper is a universal condiment that can give any recipe some extra zip. It has a sharp, penetrating aroma and a hot, piney taste.


The most common varieties of ground pepper are black and white.

Black, the kind we’re used to seeing on the dinner table, is made from peppercorns that are picked when not quite ripe. It has a stronger flavor that’s slightly hot, with a hint of sweetness.

White peppercorns, on the other hand, are allowed to ripen on the vine. After harvesting, the outer husks are removed with a slow soaking in water. The result is a smooth, light-tan colored pepper with a milder flavor. White pepper is mainly used for appearance’s sake. It’s ideal for light colored sauces or foods where specks of black pepper would stand out.