Gudeg Jackfruit

Gudeg is typical food from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Province in Indonesia

Gudeg made from young jackfruit cooked mix with coconut milk. Gudeg usualy  brown color and eaten with rice and served with thick coconut milk, chicken, eggs, tofu and sambal.

How to make Gudeg Jackfruit? These are the methode.

Seasoning and cooking ingredient:
- 1 tablespoon tamarind
- 2 tablespoon palm sugar
- 4 cups coconut milk
- Salt
- Cooking oil

Pulverized and mixed Seasoning:
-         8 cloves onions
-         4 cloves garlics
-         ½ teaspoon coriender
-         10 Candlenuts (Aleurites moluccana)

How to make:
-         Jackfruit sliced with size of 4 cm and boil with  water until cooked, lift and drain
-         Dissolve tamarind and brown sugar with a little water
-         Heat the cooking oil, saute the pulverized and mixed seasoning together with bay leaves, water, palm sugar and tamarind water.
-         After smell fragrant comes out from saute, put jackfruit, stir, add salt to taste.
-         Finally, pour coconut milk and cook until  boiling and thickened and oily